The idea to produce wine was born when the physicist and ex-industrial manager Helwig C. Ehlers was sipping an excellent portuguese wine at his recently achieved plot of 6 ha above Sta. Barbara de Nexe in 1998.
About 1.5 hectar were planted of Aragonez, Castelao, Syrah, Touriga National, Trincadeira, Tamarez and Arinto.
The first wine from harvesting to botteling was completely made by himself and his wife with very elementary machinery.
Here you get an insight about the vineyard:
The wine was so excellent that both became very enthusiasted and anxious to continue. Becoming an official producer, they invested in the most modern technology of equipment and they collaborated constantly with a professional oenologist for growing and cellering. So, the former hobby became serious business.
Since 2013 wines are subject to the DOP (DOC). The aim is to produce an optimization of the quality through reduction of quantity and selection.
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